I see three devastating spells in use in the game.

The Comet of Casandora signifies one of Warhammer’s most notable additions to the Total War universe: magic. The goblins have got no morale whatsoever, they’re going to break at the first sign of anything dangerous, whereas the Empire Greatswords will really be able to hold the line for you, with a big charge bonus they’re a real tank unit.” And the undead presumably suffer from morale differently-if the tabletop game is followed, I’d predict that instead of running away, they’ll progressively fall apart. “Of course, different factions react differently. “The Comet of Casandora coming down on your head will make you run away quite quickly,” says Mann. Monsters, defeat in combat, spells-anything can make your troops rout. Leadership and routing has always been a huge part of the Warhammer game, fear and terror its bread and butter.
Yet more diversity comes in the faction’s reactions to morale. However, for some races that’s a very shallow part of the experience, for others it’s a very deep part of it.” I’d guess Orcs will be the former, Dwarfs the latter. “You’ve got various building chains that develop as you go along you’ve also got technology. “They are so diverse, we want to revel in that.” Similarly, they’ll have diverse tech trees, preventing you from just building an army of giants straight away. “We’re playing with each of the races like it’s an individual Total War game in its own right,” says Simon Mann, battle designer. Every faction is differentiated like this.