Peter I (Russia) Russia holds a phenomenal aptitude for expansion between the Mother Russia ability granting extra tiles and Larvas, improved holy sites, accruing even more land. With two specialty units simultaneously available, an immunity to war-weariness, and the ability to heal upon capturing wonders, Alexander is primed to wage a game-long war and win. Moreover, district adjacency bonuses encourage compact cities, which is great for defending and expanding cities.Īlexander (Macedon) gets lots of conquering bonuses and unique military enhancement, making the Macedonian civ a natural warmonger. Japan’s unique Electronics Factory ramps up production even more. Hojo incurs a +50% Production for Encampments, Holy Sites, and Theater squares.

Furthermore, Japan’s specialty unit, Samurai, don’t suffer combat penalties upon losing health. Japan’s military receives bonuses for land units adjacent to water tiles and naval units in shallow water.

Hojo Tokimune (Japan) is currently considered the strongest and most well-rounded civ in the game.